fredag 14. juni 2013

Body Image - Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was considered as the most sexiest woman at her time and she didnt have a thigh gap, long skinny legs, you cant see her ribs, she didnt have huge boobs, or long straight her down her waist and she didnt wear a ton of makeup. She was pretty much the opposite of what millions of girls would risk their own life and tries so hard to be (include myself) She had confidence. She accepted her body the way it was. You"ll be seen and feel as gorgeous and sexy once you accept who you are and what you look like. 
I am tired of buying a ton of expensive makeup, straightening my hair everyday, eating nothing but healthy food because I feel so bad afterwards. I wish that we could learn something from her but it is hard when society exepts you to look like a certain way. 

Everyone wants to be a size 0. Marilyn was size 14.

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